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Very rarely, it can be, because the larynx consists of vocal cords that vibrate to produce sound, which surround the trachea or windpipe, through which you breathe. If the swelling in the inflamed folds of the larynx becomes severe enough, it can narrow the windpipe sufficiently to cause ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome). However, the vast majority of cases of laryngitis do not do this.

You should rest your voice; do not speak if you can help it, but don't whisper because that will actually irritate your vocal cords more. If you only have laryngitis, you probably don't need bed rest, but if you try to continue your activities and find you actually feel terrible, heed your body and rest!

Stay hydrated. Fluids are definitely important. Don't drink anything that irritates the throat!

If you have the type of laryngitis that comes from another illness, such as influenza (the flu), bronchitis, pneumonia, or strep throat, you should not only be on bed rest but under a physician's care. If you have a bacterial infection you probably need an antibiotic, but viral infections are not treatable that way.

If you have the type of simple laryngitis that comes from overuse of your voice, resting your voice and sucking on cough drops or hard candies or even Sucrets (but read the label first!) will help, plus things like popsicles and ice cream.

But one caveat: if you suddenly find you are having severe difficulty getting your breath in, and have to struggle to get enough air, go to your nearest hospital ED, because, though extremely rare, that condition would be a life-threatening emergency. Very rarely, the epiglottis will become inflamed too and block the breathing passage (windpipe, trachea).

Take care of yourself and you'll soon be well.

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If you can't breathe or get enough oxygen, it is life threatening. Most of the time, laryngitis just means you can't talk. So if you needed to get someone's attention in an emergency and you could not speak, it might be life-threatening.

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ICD 9 CM Code for Acute Laryngitis- 464.00 ICD 9 CM Code for Chronic Laryngitis- 476.0

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This is also known as laryngitis, Laryngitis is usually caused by a virus or occurs in people who overuse their voice. Occasionally, a person may develop laryngitis from bacterial infections, and rarely, from infections such as tuberculosis,syphilis, or a fungal infection.

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