

When can the value of cosmological constant become zero?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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A zero graph

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Q: When can the value of cosmological constant become zero?
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That means the constant has a value that is different to zero.That means the constant has a value that is different to zero.That means the constant has a value that is different to zero.That means the constant has a value that is different to zero.

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Zero. Zero times itself will always equal zero. It's value remains constant.

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SZero point in the absolute scale is the temperature at which the kinetic energy of the molecule becomes Zero. For a constant pressure volume would become zero and at constant volume pressure would become zero at this absolute zero temperature.

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By definition, any number (variable or constant) to the power of zero equals 1.

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The differentiation of a constant is zero because a constant value does not change with respect to the variable being differentiated. The derivative measures the rate of change of a function, and since a constant has no change, its derivative is zero.

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If an object is sustaining a constant velocity it has 0 acceleration, because acceleration is either increasing or decreasing speed.

What is the difference between moving at a constant speed and not moving at all?

None, as "not moving at all" is just moving at a constant speed of zero. Special relativity shows that there is nothing unique or different about zero speed. It is just a value of constant speed.

Can constant velocity be zero?

Yes. Zero velocity is a velocity; if it is always zero then it is a constant velocity.

Can chemical equilibruim be zero?

No, the equilibrium constant might only become zero in the (irrational) situation when NO product(s) is (are) formed, thus when there is NO reaction AT ALL. This will only happen at zero Kelvin.

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Straight line at a constant speed = no acceleration

What is the value of zero?

The value of zero is zero. Zero is always going to have a value of zero.

Zero acceleration will the velocity be constant?

Whenever velocity is constant, the acceleration is zero. This also works when the velocity is zero, the acceleration is zero. That pretty much means the object isn't moving. But, yes/ If velocity is constant, accleration is zero.