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NEVER eat a diseased cow, unless you know for certainthat the disease that the cow has will not affect the meat and ultimately you. But if you don't know, don't eat it, otherwise you could get very sick and die.

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Q: When can you eat a diseased cow?
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There's no such thing as an "organic cow." A cow is a cow, regardless. She will eat what "normal" cows eat, which is defined in the related question posted below.

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No, a cow will not eat meat, although there will be some curious cow that would probably try it, cows do not and will not eat meat.

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No, never. Cow paddies are cow feces.

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Only if the cow is dead. Vultures don't usually swoop down upon an alive cow and eat it.

Can animals diesease's hurt us if we eat them?

Yes, of course! Don't eat diseased animals. O.o

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What will eat a cow?

Humans, and any other carnivore (or omnivore) that is higher up on the food chain than a cow is will eat a cow, either by killing and eating it, or scavenging a cow's carcass.