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Q: When did Christopher Columbus find the first colony?
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Why did christopher Columbus find a colony in the Caribbean?

He wanted to prove that the world is round.

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What did christopher Columbus find on first trip?


Who was the first European to explore California coast?

Christopher Columbus was the first European explorer to find the Pacific Ocean.

What was Christopher Columbus's motovation to explore?

His Motovation to explore was to find new land for his colony to move into so he found Ameracia.

Who was the first man to find America?

People think Christopher Columbus but ACTUALLY its the Indians that helped him get used to America so, Not Christopher Columbus the Indians are the 1st to find America

Did Christopher Columbus find new jersey?

No, Christopher Columbus landed in Cuba.

What was Christopher Columbus' exploration and motive?

His motive was to get rich, become a governor of a colony and to find a route to Asia. None of it did he successfully accomplish.

What website has a Christopher Columbus biography on it?

You can find a biography for Christopher Columbus online at the official Biography website. You can find further information about Christopher Columbus online from the Wikipedia website.

When did christopher Columbus find Antarctica?

There is no evidence that Christopher Columbus ever reached Antarctica.

Who was the first explorer sent by Spain to find a western route to Asia?

Christopher Columbus

What did Christopher Columbus fail to discover?

Christopher Columbus failed to find an alternate route to Asia.