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460 B.C. or for atheists BCE

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Q: What date did Democritus contribute to the atomic theory?
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What date did Democritus discover the atomic theory?


What date was the modern atomic theory invented?

in 1803 by John Dalton

What was the date that Niels Bohr discovered atomic theory?

He discovered this in 1764

When was Democritus date of birth?

in 460 or 470 b.c

Date of democritus atomism?

Democritus, in the 5th century, proposed his version of atomism. States that all matter was composed of small indivisible particles called atoms.

When did Democritus discovered atoms?

1. Democritus was not discovered the atom; he proposed and accepted intutively the notion of atom at approx. 400 bc. 2. Now the founder of atomism is considered Leucippus, precursor and teacher of Democritus.

What date when Democritus worked?

Democratus lived in ancient Greece from about 460 BCE to about 370 BCE.

What is the three date theory?

the three date theory is a theory that after 3 dates the girl will put out.

On what date was John Dalton born?

John Dalton, an English chemist, physicist, and meteorologist was born on September 6, 1766. He is famous for his work in developing the modern atomic theory.

What is the three theory?

the three date theory is a theory that after 3 dates the girl will put out.

What is the date of no boundary universe theory?

The no boundary universe theory was formulated in 1983.

What is the date of the inflationary theory?

jada ardoin