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When his milkshake brought all the boys to his yard

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Q: When did Ponyboy realize jhonny was dying?
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Who did jhonny and ponyboy seek out for help after bob's death?


What does jhonny tell Ponyboy to do?

"Stay Gold" Which means stay innocent.

What did ponyboy curtis do after jhonny died?

Passed out crying & woke up for cake

How did Ponyboy feel about dying?

it is not ponyboy it is johnny and he was alright with dieing

Who is responsible for killing Bob in the outsiders and why but not Jhonny?

It was Johnny who killed Bob. There is no Jhonny, He killed Bob to protect Ponyboy because Bob was trying to drown him in the fountain at the park.

The Outsiders why bob got killed?

Bob got killed by Jhonny because he and the socs. were drowning ponyboy so he could have died. Jhonny killed Bob with his switch blade.

What is your favorite part in The Outsiders?

my favorite part in "The Outsiders" is when Jhonny is cutting Ponyboy's hair and bleached it. i thought it was pretty funny because after Jhonny passed, he still kept his hair the same even though he didnt need to anymore.

What does ponyboy realize about being a greaser?

greasers have it tougher than anyone

Obituary of jhonny cade in The Outsiders?

In "The Outsiders," Johnny Cade dies from injuries sustained in a church fire while trying to save children trapped inside. His death deeply affects Ponyboy and the rest of the gang, leading to a greater sense of unity among them. Johnny's final act of heroism and his friendship with Ponyboy leave a lasting impact on the novel's characters and themes.

What does ponyboy realize about his past relationship with soda pop?

you have no life. read the book. XDDD

What does Ponyboy discover is Darry's secret fear?

In "The Outsiders", Darry's greatest fear is Ponyboy will get hurt and die like their parents did. After their deaths, he took up the responsibility of raising Ponyboy and Sodapop. As a result, he fears losing any more members of his family.

Where did dally insist ponyboy go right after the rumble?

The hospital to see Johnny because he was dying.