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Columbus brought them over as currency for the Indians.

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Q: How many species of geckos are there in the US?
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Where do day geckos live?

Day geckos are native to Madagascar and surrounding inlets. There are many species of day gecko coming from the "phesulma" family of geckos.

Can you mix leopard geckos with anything?

No, these geckos are a solitary species.

What are all the gecko breeds?

* Leopard geckos * Crested Geckos * White Lined Geckos (Skunk Geckos) * Fat-Tailed Geckos * House Geckos * Tokay Geckos * Golden Geckos * Madagascar Ground Geckos * Day Geckos

Are pet geckos nocturnal?

Most species of gecko are nocturnal, however, there are also many species of gecko that are diurnal.

How many desert geckos are left in the wild?

There are dozens of species of gecko that live in deserts around the world and millions of square miles of deserts. Geckos are very secretive animals and most species emerge at night only. It is absolutely impossible to ever take a census of desert geckos.

How many species of gecko?

The number of geckos in the world are not known, but it is safe to assume that there are millions.

What species is a gecko?

Geckos are not a species, they comprise and infraorder of lizards with about 1,500 known species.

Are geckos poisners?

No, there is no poisonous gecko species.

How many types of Gecko are there?

As scientists are discovering a new species of gecko almost every year, there are around 1500 different species of geckos.

What species are related to leopard geckos?

things like lizard, bearded dragons, and other types of geckos like fat- tailed geckos

In which rainforest do geckos live?

It depends what type of geckos you have. You can most likely tell by going on a website that specializes the gecko you want to learn more about. They most likely will tell you which rainforest a gecko lives in. But if you want to learn which rainforest geckos live in, the answer is that all geckos do not live in rainforests. Some live in deserts.

How much is a gecko from a pet store?

Depending on the gecko species will determine the price of the animal. More common species are usually sold at a lower value such as the: house gecko, turner gecko, golden gecko, tokay gecko, skunk gecko. Other species such as crested geckos, leopard geckos and gargoyle geckos can range from $60 - $500. There are even "sought out" or "desired" species of gecko than can range upwards of $1000-$4000 this could include: Leachianous geckos, Green geckos, Chaoua geckos.