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Mustangs have always been in America. They have their origins, however, from the Spanish Barbarian horses that Christopher Columbus brought over from Spain (in addition to the longhorn cattle that were foundation for the Texas Longhorn and Florida Cracker/Pineywoods breeds) in the late 1400's.

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Q: Who are thought to have brought mustangs to America?
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When did the wild mustangs come to America?

Wild mustangs are not wild. They are feral, meaning they are desendants of once domesticated livestock. Let me tell you the history of Mustangs. In 1492, when Christopher Columbus came to the Americas, he brought with him all kinds of livestock, horses among them. Many different breeds were brought here. Some escaped, some were released. These horses grouped together to form the basis of the Mustang we know today. Through natural selection, only the strongest, hardiest, and best survived. These horses are what we call mustangs. So, the mustangs themselves were not brought to the Americas, but their ancestors were brought here in the 15th century.

Were do American Mustangs origonate?

== == == == The Spanish brought American Mustangs over from Spain in the 1600's. By~ HorseReal

How were sheep brought to America?

In 1519 first sheep was brought to America by Spanish troops under Cortez. It is thought that the flocks of sheep belonging to the Native American Navajos are descended from multi-colored sheep brought to North America by the Spanish.

What breeds make up a mustang?

Mustangs are feral horses native to the United States. Mustangs are thought to be a mix of Spanish and French breeds. There are around 30,000 mustangs in the world today.

When did mustangs come to the Americas?

Wild mustangs are not wild. They are feral, meaning they are desendants of once domesticated livestock. Let me tell you the history of Mustangs. In 1492, when Christopher Columbus came to the Americas, he brought with him all kinds of livestock, horses among them. Many different breeds were brought here. Some escaped, some were released. These horses grouped together to form the basis of the Mustang we know today. Through natural selection, only the strongest, hardiest, and best survived. These horses are what we call mustangs. So, the mustangs themselves were not brought to the Americas, but their ancestors were brought here in the 15th century.

What is the mustang population of north America?

There are about 33,000 thousand mustangs in North America.

Are there wild mustangs in Canada?

Of corse not!! Wild mustangs are only found in the United States. Althouth wild mustangs came from Canada the Government moved them all to America because the mustangs were eating all the food that was grown.

What deserts do mustangs live in?

Mustangs are found in all the major deserts of North America but seem to be most common in the Great Basin Desert.

What does the horse breed mustang mean?

Mustangs are wild horses, descended from those originally brought to the Americas by the Spanish. They tend to roam plains in the West; Nevada, in particular, is known for its mustangs.

Who brought the first mustang to America?

Mustangs were not brought to the Americas, they were created in the Americas by foreign stock brought over by the Spanish and later English settlers. The breeds brought over are as follows. From Iberia: Sorraia, Lusitanos, Andalusians, Spanish Jennets, Barb and Spanish barb crosses. Eventually the English brought: Cleveland Bays, Ponies of various breeds, Crossbreds of specific types and draft breeds.

Are mustangs wild?

All mustangs are free roaming horses, so in a sense, they are wild, but because they are descendants from domesticated horses that the Spanish brought over they are not wild horses, they are called feral horses.

Are there any wild horse breeds in America?

Ofcourse. Mustangs. And a couple others stringed out here and there. But most of them have been rounded up by the government, few remain wild and free. Well technically, mustangs are feral. They came from domestic horses that the spanish brought over, and they developed into their own breed over time. The only TRUE wild horses, that did not come from once domestic stock, is the Prezwalski's horse, which is on the brink of extinction and doesn't run in America.