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The magnitude 9.0 earthquake that hit Japan in 2011 occurred at 14:46 JST (05:46 UTC) on Friday 11 March 2011.

You can see what time that was in your area in the related links below.

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Q: When did the 2011 Japan earthquake happen?
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Related questions

When did japan's earthquake happen?

In march 2011

Why did the earthquake happen in japan 2011?

Tectonic plates shifted, creating the earthquake.

How did the japan earthquake 2011 happen?

The plates moved so this can occur the earthquake.

Where did the Japanese earthquake in 2011 happen?

The epicenter of the earthquake was just off the coast of Sendai, Japan.

What month and day did the japan earthquake happen?

March 11, 2011

What day did disaster happen in japan?

March 15, 2011. (The earthquake)

What happen after the Japan earthquake?

A tsunami hit japan after the earthquake.

What year did Japan earthquake happen?

The recent magnitude 9.0 earthquake hit northern Japan on Friday March 11, 2011.Related resources:List of earthquakes in JapanToday's Earthquakes in Japan

When the erathquaqe hit Japan?

If you mean when did the Earthquake happen it was 8th March 2011 and the Magnitude was 8.9.

Was the 2011 Japan earthquake a transform earthquake?

No. The March 2011 earthquake in japan was along a convergent boundary, and triggered by subduction.

Is there a famous earthquake in japan?

Great East Japan Earthquake / 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami

What is the name of the earthquake that hit Japan in 2011?

It is called the Sendai Earthquake of 2011 because the epicenter was nearest the city of Sendai, Japan.