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Well the irish Immigration came in three waves. The first and second "wave" came after 1717. Then the last (3rd) wave was in the mid 19th century (1840s). But the majority of the Irish Immigration was during the 1800s. From about 1841-1850 the U.S recorded 780,719 Irish immigrants. The number is a rough calculation but its probably close.

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Q: When did the most Irish immigrants come to Canada?
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What province has most Irish immigrants?

The Irish not only immigrated to the United States, but they also immigrated to Canada. The province that most of them called home was Ontario.

Did most Irish immigrants come in 1840 or 1920?

1840 also there were many german immigrants that came about that time

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Which region did immigrants come from between 1880-1920?

Most immigrants into the United States between 1880 and 1920 came from Europe. Some of the most popular nationalities were Irish, Italian, Greek, and British.

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Most of the immigrants coming to the United States in the mid 1800s were English, Irish, and _______.IMPROVED ANSWER:The answer is German.

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How did the Irish immigrants change Canada?

They helped create Canada. Some of our Fathers of Confederation were Irish, most famously DArcy Mcgee, our first politician to be assassinated by the Americans, or as they prefer by an American, actually they prefer if we say by an Irish man who just happened to be American but that is another answer. The Irish were also one of the groups that built the railways in Canada, including the railway to the West Coast. They have been traditionally been very supportive of independence from Britain and of minority rights in Canada.

What were most immigrants in the second wave of immigration?

Irish & German -Apex (:

Why did Irish immigrants want slavery?

Most Irish people did not want slavery. The Irish culture teaches a respect for all human beings. Some Irish immigrants fought for the south with the agreement that their entire family could become citizens if one man of the family joined the Confederate Army. (New York and Baltimore did the same to attract Irish immigrants and fill draft quotas). Some Irish immigrants (like some of many other cultures) were attracted to the slave-keeper mentality because of profit motivations or because they wanted to dominate others the way that England had dominated Ireland for centuries. But keep in mind that most Irish immigrants (and most immigrants from other poor lands) did not want slavery.

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