

When did the president of Ecuador become the prisident?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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The president of Ecuador was elected in 2005

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Q: When did the president of Ecuador become the prisident?
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Ecuador actually doesn't have a prime minister. The president of Ecuador is Rafael Correa.

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the first president of Ecuador was juan Jose flores y arambuu. Hes the grandfather of my grandfather.

Como se llama el presidente de ecuador?

This question is asking who is the president of Ecuador. The answer in Spanish is ' El Presidente de Ecuador se llama Rafael Correa'. This translates into English as 'Ecuador's president is Rafael Correa'.

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No Ecuador does not have a King or a Queen. Ecuador is a democracy with a President and Vice-President. The actual president is Rafael Correa and the Vice-President is Lenin Rosero. For full information read this web page:

What if the vice prisident should die?

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