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prehistoric times, (when dinosaurs were alive)

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Q: When did turtle appear on the Earth?
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In the Earth on Turtle's Back who succeeds in uprooting the Great tree?

In the "Earth on Turtle's Back," who finally succeeds in uprooting the Great Tree?

What does it mean when a turtle finds its way to your door?

Turtle is seen by some as the symbol of earth. If you are turtle clan, or turtle is your totem animal or spirit guide then ask your shaman for an interpretation. Otherwise it may just be a reminder to be kind to the earth.

What does the turtle on a totem pole mean?

mother earth

In Earth on Turtle's Back what animal finally brought up the earth?

The Muskrat.

Does Alice's Adventures in Wonderland have a mock turtle?

Yes, it appears in Chapter 9, The Mock Turtle's Story, but does not appear in the 1951 Disney adaptation.

Where ob snapping turtle live on earth?

help me

in the ''The Earth on Turtle's back '' What existed in the beginning?


The constellations you see from earth appear to change as the?

Earth revolves around the sun. That is why the constellations we see from Earth appear to change.

What are molten substances that appear at the surface of earth?

The molten substances that appear at the surface of the earth is magma or lava

What are the three slowest animals on earth?

a sloth , turtle and snails

What mammals appear on planet earth?

Many mammals appear on planet earth. Here are some of them:oxhumanpigmonkeycatdogfoxwolfantelopeelephantpolar bearhorse

Who are the main characters on the earth on turtle's back?

The main characters in the Native American myth "The Earth on Turtle's Back" are the Sky Woman, the animals who help create the earth, and the Chief of Sky Land who rules over the beings in the sky world.