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Lion prides are usually headed by a One or two Male lions. Adolescent males from the pride are kicked out by the pride leader to avoid competition. These adolescents, when they grow up, challenge other pride leaders and fight with them to take over the pride. During such take-overs fights between male lions is inevitable

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Why is a lion called king of the Savannah?

"King of the Savanna" is more appropriate title for lions as the title, "king of the jungle", doesn't apply to lions as they don't live in the jungles. Lions would be called "King of the Savanna" because lions are renown for their majesty and beauty, and few animals even challenge lions.

What do lions do to protect themselves?

Lions do not have predators except for other lions and human beings. They protect themselves from humans by hiding and running when they see us. They protect themselves from other lions by either doing the same thing, or by fighting the other lions.

Do lions live Australia?

Lions are indigenous to Africa. Other than the lions in the zoo, lions do not live in Australia.

Why do lions fight with other lions?

Mostly because of food and who gets control of the female lions.

Why do lions fight?

Lions and other lions fight to see who is the strongest. They also fight to see who will eat first and to protect their young from other prides.

What are some behaviors that lions have?

They growl, roar, snarl, scent-mark, and challenge intruders and tresspassers. They stalk prey, chase prey, and leap on prey to bite the neck and kill them. Lionesses in heat will rub up against the lion to get him to mate with her, and will snarl and charge if her cubs are in danger. Lions and lionesses sleep during the daytime and hunt at night. Lions will protect their prides from other rouge lions, and lionesses do the hunting and rearing of the cubs.

Do white lions have a difference with other lions?

White lions are white and other lions aren't

Who is the lion's enemy?

Other territorial lions. And man.flies are the enemy of lions.

How do ses lions act towards other sea lions?

they do nothing

Do lion growl?

Lions growl as a warning to other lions or animals.

What do male lions have that other cats do not?

The most obvious physical feature would be the mane. Male lions, unlike female lions and other big cats, have manes. Lions live in Africa and Asia.