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I'm no positive, but i know ankle, thigh, hip, or foot injuries need crutches on some occations.

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Q: What injuries do you need crutches for?
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Will people with jellyfish stings need crutches?

All people with jellyfish stings to the leg or foot will need crutches

Should you use crutches if you hurt a muscle in your thigh?

that would depend how damaged it is if it is very damaged you would need the crutches, and if it is not that damaged then you wont need it, but it will get worse without crutches

How many kids in the world need crutches?

well it depends whether your talking about at one given time for short-term injuries, or permanently. A few million for both i'd imagine

Do you need crutches when you have been limping for 3 days straight?

Go see a doctor and they will tell you what is wrong with it and if there is enough damage to need crutches

What injuries are covered under Workingman's comp?

If the injury puts you in a wheel chair or on crutches then you should be covered under workingman's comp though sometimes they wont cover those injuries

What are the complications of knee injuries?

There are many complications of the knee injuries. A knee injury is probably one of the worst injuries. With a knee injury, depending how bad it is, you won't be able to walk normally. If it's very bad, you'll need crutches. And walking is a part of daily activity. You also can't bend a lot or carry anything too heavy.

Do you use crutches after bunion surgery?

Sometimes you do, it depends on the kind of cast you get. If the surgery makes you get a hard cast (the ones friends can sign), you need crutches. It you get a cast with a hard bottom, you also need them. The only time you don't need crutches is if the cast is EXTREMELY soft.

Can you ride with crutches on my bike?

Actually using the crutches to ride is difficult, And usually if you need crutches there's something wrong with your legs, and you tend to need those to ride. But assuming that you're still fit enough to operate the bike there's no law against strapping a pair of crutches to the bike to bring them with you.

Does a twisted ankle need crutches?

It depends on you. If there's no fracture, than you don't need crutches unless you want crutches. If you feel you cannot walk easily/ step on your sprained ankle at all, than you should get crutches. If you can limp around just fine, then there is no reason to get crutches.

If you broke your tibia bone are you likely to need crutches?


How do you sprain your ankle so bad you need crutches?

are you sexy

How long do you need to be on crutches with torn liagment in foot?

2.3 weeks