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Well,a proto star is a new star.So whena new star forms the other star is no longer a proto star.

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Q: When does a proto star become a star?
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What temperature does a star start to fuse hydrogen?

The temperature at which hydrogen fuses is 10,000,000 degrees Kelvin. This is the minimum temperature the core of a proto star has to have to become a true star.

Protostar will turn into what kind of star?

That depends on the mass of the proto-star.

What causes the heat to grow in a proto-star?

Compression. Whenever anything is compressed, it heats up. In a proto-star, clouds of hydrogen gas are compressed by gravitational attraction, and the compression heats the gas.

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A "proto-star".

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Matter from nebula that condense make proto star.

Who named the protostar and why?

No one. It comes from the Greek - proto - meaning first. So first star - a protostar.

Will there ever be more planets?

In the words of my physics teacher 'Not in your lifetime!' Planets form from a disk of dust and gas when the star is just a proto-star. Planets cannot form after the star has been formed.

A mass of gas in space made hot by nuclear reactions?

A 'proplid', or a proto-stellar object, often called a proto-star, and some believe (as I do) that 'Herbig-Haro Objects', are newly formed stars. At any rate, a star is a mass of gas in space made hot by nuclear reactions.

What is a protoplanetary disk?

A disk of gas ad dust that forms round a proto-star as the star coalesces at the center and from which planets accurate. The related links below give more information.

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Our Solar System Formed from the remnants of a star wich went supernovae (at least approx 5 billion years ago) the dust from that star started to condense (due to the passing another star or some other mechanism), spinning counter-clockwise, the pressure at the center of this cloud became great enough to start a process know as nuclear fussion (triple alpha process) creating a proto-star, wich was significantly dimmer and smaller than todays Sol. The remaining dust accreted to from proto-planets (maybe upwards of 100), These proto-Planets smashed into each-other and merged to become the inner planets. As for our gas-giants, they formed from cold gas and dust, beyond what is known as the "Frost Line" due to the required colder temperatures to form Gas Planets.

How do you become a five star trainer?

You have to become a five star trainer first