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Q: When driving at night are you are less likely to get in a fatal accident because there are less drivers at night?
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A disadvantage of driving a motorcycle?

You are more at risk from accidents caused by other drivers not seeing you. You are more likely to be seriously or critically injured if involved in a road accident.

Why is motor vehicle insurance more expensive for young drivers?

It is more expensive to obtain auto insurance if you are under 25 because you have less driving experience which means it's more likely you would have an accident.

What if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving an insured drivers car causes an accident with bodily injury?

The injury would most likely not be covered under your auto because you let an unlicensed driver drive your vehicle when they cannot legally drive.

Are you more likely to die skydiving or driving to school?

Statistically speaking, it is more likely to die in an automobile accident than it is to die in a skydiving accident.

Can an insurance company discriminate against drivers of their own vehicles for delivery jobs in Florida?

Yes. Insurance companies can refuse to insure someone if they feel the vehicle will be used in an "at risk manner." Someone doing delivery service is more likely to have an accident, because of the increased driving.

How old are riskiest drivers?

Teenagers - because... (a) they lack driving experience, (b) they think they're invincible and (c) they're more likely to take risks (such as drink/drug driving).

Aggressive driving can be defined as operating a vehicle in a manner that is likely to?

....cause accidents.

Why does auto insurance for teenagers cost more?

Auto insurance for teenagers cost more because driving ability is typically judged under how long you have been driving. Teens are new drivers and are more likely to be involved in accidents than older more experienced drivers on the roads.

Is eating and driving illegal?

No. However, if an accident results while you're eating and driving, you'll likely be considered a negligent operator, and be charged accordingly.

Who is most likely to get into a car accident?

16 to 24 year old male drivers. Crash reports show males in collisions far more often than females. A person who is distracted by doing anything other then just driving the car.

When you have a bumper fender accident and the other driver does not have a Drivers License or Insurance can she sue me?

The unlicensed driver will likely face some penalty for driving without a license, but it doesn't negate your actions in causing an accident. Meaning that yes, she can make a claim against you if she meets your state's threshold. A lawsuit isn't necessarily the first step.

Why is a drunken driver likely to be cause of an accident?

because he is unconscious