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you saw a reaction

you smelt something

you heard something

and you cant get that gas back to its original form

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Q: When gas burns you can tell it is a chemical reaction because?
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When gas burns you can tell its a chemical change because?

it is a completely new object.

How can you tell there is a chemical reaction when iron rusts?

Because it is not a physical change it is a chemical change.

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chemical reaction would have taken place because i love u soo much

Is a candle burns chemical reaction?

Yes, burning a candle is a chemical reaction. The easiest way to tell if something is a chemical reaction is if heat or light are given of, a new substance is formed, or a colour change happens. Chemical changes are irreversible.Yes, whenever a candle burns, it is a combustion reaction between the carbon compounds of the wick and wax of the candle and of oxygen in the air. These compounds burn to create carbon dioxide and water, and also a few smaller carbon compounds, which is evident as the smoke rising occasionally from the flame. The flame you see and the heat you feel rising off of the burning wick is the evidence of an exothermic chemical reaction.Yes, burning a candle is a chemical reaction. The easiest way to tell if something is a chemical reaction is if heat or light are given of, a new substance is formed, or a colour change happens. Chemical changes are irreversible.

When ice melts you can tell it is not a a chemical reaction because?

The process will reverse if you lower the temperature again.

What chemical is made when hydrogen burns?

i dont know? why do you tell me :)

What will tell you the efficiency of a chemical reaction?

You need to calculate the yield of the reaction.

What does a positive delta H tell about reaction?

This is an endothermic chemical reaction.

How can you tell the difference between a chemical reaction and not a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction will do the following; Change colour Create smoke A non chemical reaction (Physical Reaction) will do the following; Change State Be able to change back to the original materials

How can you tell from diagrams that sucrase is not used during the chemical reaction?

you can tell because you can tell the defintion of the sucrease on google and answer it there and if not go on the interent or ask your teacher for help

What can chemical equations tell you about a chemical reactions?

Chemical equations describe the products and reactants in a chemical reaction.

When meat is cooked you can tell it is a chemical change because?

when meat is cooked it is a chemical reaction because you make it go back to its raw form hope that helps if not sorry