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it means he like you and want to be with you and the next kiss will be on your mouth.


We all have our own ways when it comes to showing our emotion, it is not dirty nor obscene. Our heart is the one that tell us what to do, and this is my own opinion...

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13y ago
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13y ago

it means that the girl has a crush on you and wants to kiss you<3

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Q: When girl kiss a guy on the cheek means what?
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Where can a girl kiss a guy?

cheek, lips, forehead

What are cute responses after you're asked out?

Girl asks guy out, kiss her on the cheek. Guy asks girl out, say "we'll see" and blow him a kiss.

How do you kiss her if she is straight and has a boyfriend?

If your a girl, just kiss her on her cheek as a friend, but if your a guy just do it and ask her not to tell

A girl can kiss a guy on the cheek when he does something cute but what can a guy do?

Give her a quick embracing hug and immediately pull away.

What does it mean when a guy touches under a girl's chin?

Well for me, I know that it means that I might want to kiss her somewhere if it's the cheek, forehead, or lips and that I like her.

Girl kisses guy on the cheek?

well that is how a relationship starts out if u look down this is a relationship ~kiss on cheek ~kiss on lips ~kiss on neck you dont have to if you dont want to

What does it mean when a guy kiss you on the cheek but your not datining him?

It means he is interested and are you interested in him male dating ritual

What does it mean when a guy touches your lower cheek and he makes noises out of his mouth?

it means he wants to kiss you

When a guy kisses a girl on the cheek is it supposed to feel good to the girl?

Not sexually but some girls feel like your teasing them and really want you to kiss them on the lips so when you kiss their cheek it makes them want you more (in some casses)

Do guy's like when girls sneek a kiss on their cheek?

Unless you don't like the girl, then yes of course! Cute.

Is it normal for a guy and a girl who are friends to kiss?

It depends - would two friends of the same sex kiss? Probably on the cheek, yes. If a guy and a girl make out, then generally that means they are more that just friends. A peck on the lips could be accepted, but I don't understand why a hug wouldn't be able to suffice anyway.

Is there a difference if you're a guy in kissing a girl you like on the lips and on the cheek?

Absolutely. A kiss on the cheek is a gesture of friendship and is not typically interpreted as a sexual advance. A kiss on the lips is a sexual advance particularly if the kiss lingers and/or involves parted lips and tongues.