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Q: When having a high bridged nose can that also make it hard to breath .. let alone I have sinuse problems?
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Why does lithium cause sinus problems?

because it probably has alot of pollen,and pollen is usually the main cause of of sinuse swelling and other issues.

Can sinuse infection make eye twitch?

This is not a common cause of eyelid twitch if you'd like to see a list of causes and their treatments check the link below.

How does lupus affect immune system?

We are unsure of the exact mechanisms that brings about RA . However researchers feel these factors are involved. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder. That is a disorder where the immune system of the body mistakenly destroys the bodies own tissue. In the case of RA, joints and other tissues of the body are attacked by the immune system. Chemicals called cytokines are used by the immune system cells to communicate. It is thought that people with RA have too much of certain types of cytokines, including interleukin (IL) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), which may be sending the messages that cause the joints to be attacked. There is a greater risk of having RA if there is a member of the family with the disease or if you are female. Some family's are genetically predisposed to RA making them more prone to the disease. Biological factors such as hormone changes, or factors such as an infection, are believed to trigger the immune system to attack the joints in people prone to RA.

What is chiropractic recommended for?

Chiropractic can help many different things. If you are asking "can chiropractic help unclog my sink?" Then you are barking up the wrong tree. If you mean, "does chiropractic help people become healthier, more functional, and have less pain and better quality of life" the answer is yes.