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they insluate radiation to create baby.

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Q: When huddling do penguins keep warm by radiation conduction or convection?
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How does huddling help penguins to stay warm?

by huddling they sharing their body heat

Where do penguins get their warmth?

They get it by huddling together in groups by the thousands

What are 2 instincts of emperor penguins?

keeping their eggs warm and huddling together

What do king penguins do during day?

they sit in a made igloo (for huddling espeicially) and wait for the other penguins to bring the food

How do penguins stay warm?

Huddling together so the heat gets passed round through conduction of their bodies.

How do emperor penguin protect it self?

almost all penguins protect them selves by huddling in groups to stay warm

How Emperor penguins Have Adapted To Reproduce?

The men penguins have adapted to reproduce by huddling to keep warm while the lady penguins go and get food. Also while this is happening the men are keeping the egg warm from about march to august.

Suggest how huddling helps the penguins to keep warm in extreme cold?

The penguins each take turns to go in the middle of the 'waddling circle' so that the circle of penguins around them warm the middle one with their body heat.

What are penguins home and shelter?

a penguins shelter are their surrounding penguins! huddling in a large circle, penguins use each other's body heat to keep each other warm. after about half an hour, they switch positions, the inside penguins moving to the outside, and the rest taking a few steps inwards. It's an amazing sight.

How do penguins get shelter?

Penguins do not build or utilise structures commonly thought of as "shelter". Instead, during cold winters, penguins huddle together in a large mass to stay warm, with young penguins safe at the center of the pseudo-shelter.

How do penguins work together to make a habitat?

They help each other to stay warm by huddling together, they form a mass to protect young from predators, they basically have to work together or they will die.

What is a penguins shelter?

Penguins shelter in the liquid sea, which in the Southern Ocean is warmer than the ambient air. On land while breeding, male penguins gather in creches and move in short steps within the creche to stay warm.