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In humans, males will start producing sperm at puberty. From then on the male can produce millions of sperm per day. The human female is born with all the eggs she will use in her life time. At puberty, hormones stimulate the ovaries to release one egg per month until menopause. Females do not produce fresh eggs during their life.

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14y ago

The ovaries do not produce more eggs, women are born with all the eggs they will ever have.

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Q: When are sperm and eggs produced?
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What are sperm and eggs produced by?


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Sex cells: sperm and eggs. These are produced my meiosis.

Where are eggs produced in woman?

Eggs are produced in the ovaries, then when they are formed they travel through the filopian tubes and met with a sperm.

Where are eggs produced in males?

males don't have eggs, only the female does. the male has sperm.

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by a woman eggs and by a man sperm

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Collectively they are called gametes. Separately they're called sperm in males and eggs in females.

Where egg sperm produce and meet?

Eggs are produced in the ovaries of females, while sperm are produced in the testes of males. The meeting of egg and sperm typically occurs in the fallopian tubes, where the egg is fertilized by a sperm to initiate pregnancy.

Where are sex cells produced in humans?

In females, the sex cells (eggs) are produced in the ovaries. In males, the sex cells (sperm) are produced in the testes.

Process by which eggs and sperm are produced?

The egg is produced by the ovary through its follicles. These follicles are then stimulated by follicle-stimulating hormones from the anterior pituitary gland. Every 28 days, one egg from each ovary is produced. Sperm is constantly manufactured by the seminiferous tubules of the testes. Technically, males don't run out of sperm because a new batch is produced every day.

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Why are so many eggs produced by invertebrates?

Because most of it may be fertilized by sperm from the male invertebrate.