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When a side of the earth faces the sun, it's day. The opposite side is experiencing night.

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Q: When one side of the earth is facing the sun is it day or night?
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What Is The reason We Have Day And Night?

The reason is the earth rotates and when you are on the side that has isn't facing the sun is night and the side that is facing it is having day

Do you have day and night because the earth orbits the sun?

Day and night happen Because the earth rotates the side facing the sun is day that the side that doesn't is night that's why we have time zones and when it's day on one side of the earth it's night on the opposite side

How does the rotation of earth influence day and night?

As the earth spins one side is facing toward the sun and the other side is facing away from the sun which is night time

Why does day an night come continuously?

Day and night occur because of the earth's rotation on it's axis. When one side of the earth is facing towards the sun, it is day. When it is facing away from the sun, it is night. Earth is always spinning so the cycle of day and night continues.

How does earth move to cause day and night?

when it rotates the other side goes dark and the side facing the sn goes bright this is day and night

Is the side facing away from the earth dark or light during the full moon?

there is day(morning) when the earth is facing the sun and it is dark (night time) when the earth is facing the moon

If earth rotates around sun you get your seasons how do you get day night by sun rotation?

You get day and night due to the rotation of the Earth about its own axis. Only on the side facing the Sun is it daytime. On the other side it is night.

Why do we have day and night and how often?

The earth is move around everyday and the other side of the earth is facing away from the light so we have night if we have light from the sun we have day. Day happen everyday and so does night.

When it is night-time for us is it day time for people living on the other side of the earth?

Due to Earth's rotation and spin on it's axis, whatever side is facing the Sun will be in daylight and the side of the Earth not facing the Sun will have night-time. So in a nutshell; Yes.

What cause night and day?

The rotation of earth on its axis

Why is it day in one area of the Earth and then night in another?

right say it is night in the UK and day in Australia. it would be the day in Australia because that side of the earth is facing the sun. and it is night here in the UK because it is facing away from the sun!! hope this helps! your friend Tomylad

What makes day and night on Earth?

Since the earth is on an axis point, and the earth is always spinning, every 12 hours the earth has turned halfway. one side of the earth is facing the sun while the other is facing space. so while the US has day, China has night.