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They're classifying them by how they get their food.

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Q: When scientists divide protist into the producers heterotrophs that can move and heterotrophs that cannot move how are they grouping the protists?
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The three classifications of protists include?

heterotrophs,producers, and decompose

Are animal-like protist producers?

No, I believe not. There are protists that are producers (autotrophs). This branch of protists are called Algae. However, the branch that you are talking about is Protozoans, and they are heterotrophic, so they need to take food in from the environment. So no, heterotrophs are not producers, so animal-like protists are not producers.

Which group of organisms includes only multicellular heterotrophs?


Are protists hetertrophs?

Yes they are. Protists can be Parameciums and Ameboas and they are heterotrophs.

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Are protists autotrophic heterotrophic or both?


How are animal-like protists categorized?

Protists that have animal-like characteristics are categorized as protozoans. The protozoan group is further subdivided by the way in which the protozoans move. The categories include sacordinians which move using pseudopod, zooflagellates which move using flagella, ciliaphorans which move using cilia, and sporozoans which form spores.

How do protists producers differ from plant producers?

Protists don't have specialized tissues

What classification of protists would include paramecia?

It is heterotrophs.

Are protists heterotrophs?

yes all protists are heterotroph.. some though also are something aside from heterotroph, for example sarcodina are not only heterotrophs but alsp phagasites

How animal like protists similar to animals?

They are both heterotrophs.

Animal-like protists eat other organisms so they are?
