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The repeated tests done by scientists to discover or demonstrate something is called experiments.

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Q: When scientists do repeated tests to discover or demonstrate something they are conducting what?
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When scientists do repeated tests to discover or demonstrate something they conducting an?


When scientists do repeated tests to discover or demonstrate something they are conducting an?

The repeated tests done by scientists to discover or demonstrate something is called experiments.

When a scientists do repeated test to discover or demonstrate something they are conducting an?

It is called experiments

When a scientist repeated test to discover or demonstrate something They are conducting an?

It is called experiments

When scientist do repeated test to discover or demonstrate something they are cunducting an?

The repeated tests done by scientists to discover or demonstrate something is called experiments or a word is "replication."

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All of them are working to discover something new. Even with all of this being different fields, they still want to discover something no one else has.

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Goverment helps the scientists promoting their inventions or discoveries because if one scientist discover something the whole world will know

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How much a sciencetst get paid?

scientists get paid for what they do not per hour so after they discover something they get paid around 100,000 dollars

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some one that studys a sciance (phyisics,cemistre and bioligy) A person trying to find the truth.

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People did not discover about it, scientists did. They did it in 1985.