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Directional Selection

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Q: When selection causes the frequency of a particular trair to move in one direction?
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Natural selection causes the frequency of favorable alleles to?


What causes the wind to move in a particular direction?

The magnitisam in the north and south pole ada

What causes low-frequency hearing loss?

Scientists discovered in 2001 that people with a particular gene mutation gradually lose their abilities to hear low-frequency sounds.

what causes changes in frequency?

There are three main mechanisms that can cause changes in allele frequency.These include natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow.

Which force of evolution makes a population more alike?

Stabilizing selection occurs when the extreme forms of some trait are selected against by natural selection. It is a force of natural selection which causes evolution (definition: change of allele frequency in a population divided by time).

What causes pitch to change?

Every sound vibrates with a particular fundamental frequency. When you change the wavelength of a sound, you change the pitch of a sound.

Evolution is the gradual change in phenotype frequency of a species what process causes evolution?

Mutation, genetic drift, gene flow and the driver of adaptive change, natural selection.

What causes the compressions and rarefractions that make up sound waves?

vibrating surfaces. Vocal chords vibrate at a particular frequency to produce a particular tone. Violin stings, car engines, woofers,

Is natural selection a form of adaptation?

Natural selection is what causes adaptation.

What causes a frequency in a population to change after each generation?

Gene mutation causes the phenotype frequency in a population to change after each generation.

What causes sideband frequency?

If you subtract from the carrier frequency the frequency of the tone that modulates it, then filter out the carrier frequency, then you have a lower sideband frequency. If you add to the carrier frequency, filter out the carrier, then you have an upper sideband frequency.

Adaptation which allows for natural selection is called?

Adaptation does not allow for natural selection: natural selection causes adaptation.