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It depends if you are citing or quoting another's work of literature or resources. When you are referencing someone else's work you must put quotations and cite your source or you can be accused of plagarism.

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1mo ago

You should indent a quotation as a separate paragraph when it is four or more lines long in APA format. This helps to visually separate the quotation from the rest of the text and indicates to the reader that it is a distinct quote from another source.

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14y ago

Indent a block quote, which is longer than 40 words. See the related link for more information on block quotes from The OWL at Purdue.

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Related questions

Do you indent after using quotations?

Yes, typically you should indent the first line of a paragraph after a block quotation. However, formatting rules can vary depending on the style guide being followed (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

What should you do at the beginning of every paragraph?

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Do you indent each paragraph three times?

No... you just have to indent a paragraph once. If you need a tip just take your finger next to the line that you have to indent and that should be the amount of space that you indented.

How should you separate paragraphs?

If it's on lined paper, skip one or two lines down for every paragraph. The use two fingers to indent.

Should you indent dialog?

Yes because it is a new paragraph.

What is an example of a sentence using the word indent?

Please indent your paragraphs. The bay indents the coastline.

How many spaces do you indent for a long quotation?

Typically, you would indent by 1 inch or about 10 spaces for a long quotation in a document. However, you should always check the specific formatting guidelines provided by your instructor or the publication you are writing for.

Should you indent in a autobiography?

It is common to indent the first line of each paragraph in an autobiography to help visually separate and organize thoughts. This indentation helps guide the reader through your story and enhances readability.

Do you indent only the first paragraph?

The beginning of every paragraph should be indented in all formal writing.

Do you have to indent paragraphs on a book report?

In book reports, it is a common practice to indent the first line of each paragraph for better readability and to visually separate the paragraphs. It is a standard formatting convention in academic and professional writing.

What you can use to indent just the first line of paragraph?

You can use the CSS property "text-indent" to indent just the first line of a paragraph. Set the value of "text-indent" to the desired indent, typically in pixels or percentages. This will only affect the first line of the paragraph while leaving the subsequent lines unaffected.

How should you handle quotations of longer than four lines?

Double spaced, indent one inch, don't use quotation marks.(apex!)