

When should you inhale and exhale while lifting?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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You should exhale when lifting and inhale your resetting

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Q: When should you inhale and exhale while lifting?
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When you inhale, you put your tongue on the rooth of your mouth and you suck in air. Now when you do this you should get a really high pitched squeal, but if you get a low and rough one then it is just considered grindcore. When you exhale you take a big breath, then let it out and make a high pitched noise. To most people inhale is way easier than exhale, but you have to be able to both, to be considered a true ihaler/exhaler. Your voice can become really deep and damaged after a while of doing it.

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we only inhale only oxygen becuse in our lungs only hole of oxygen molecule while other gases can not be in and exhale through mouth

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trees- we can plant more air- we breathe out Carbon dioxide while plants breathe it in. We inhale oxygen while plants exhale it. water- It sounds gross, but quite frankly we can filter pee into drinking water.

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Polyurethane is definitely not recommended to inhale. This substance should always be used in a well ventilated room and should never be directly inhaled.

If you inhale a bee while smelling roses will you die?

maybe don't know you should try it sometime.

You put more efforts when you exhale air or when you inhale the air?

During normal breathing at rest, inspiration is an active process while expiration is passive. So under normal conditions, you put more energy into inspiration than expiration.

How should you inhale-exhale cigarette smoke?

I'll be honest I've never had a question like this before. Unfortunately… Cigarette smoke is inhaled just like breathing, as opposed to a cigar in which case the smoke is only held in the mouth and not inhaled, just for the flavor. While neither I recommend, a cigarette is far more harmful, as it does get right into the lungs. So to simply answer your question, you just suck it all into your lungs and exhale like a breath. Slowly killing you. :)