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Aldosterone works to reabsorb sodium ions (and thereby water) at the expense of losing potassium ions.


Marieb & Mitchell. A&P (9th ed.).

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Q: When sodium ions are reabsorbed because of aldosterone what do potassium ions do?
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When sodium ions are reabsorbed in response to the action of aldosterone what do potassium ions do?


What happens when Aldosterone increases?

Aldosterone causes sodium to be retained and potassium to be excreted and blood pressure to rise.

What is the name of the hormone that promotes sodium retention and potassium secretion?

Natriuretic hormones

How does aldosterone modify the chemical composition of urine?

The higher the aldosterone levels, the more sodium that is reclaimed and the more potassium that is lost.

What drug blocks the effects of aldosterone?

Caffeine binds to aldosterone sites and thus causes an increase of aldosterone in the blood. This increase causes sodium re-absorption and potassium excretion. Sodium excites nerves as potassium relaxes them. This is why one looses their nerve with too much caffeine.

What does the hormone aldosterone regulate?

Sodium and Potassium.

What is the importance of aldosterone?

It is produced by the adrenal glands. It regulates sodium and potassium levels in the body.

Aldosterone stimulates the reabsorption of sodium while enhancing potassium secretion?


Aldosterone promotes the homeostasis of ions by causing the kidneys to?

conserve sodium and excrete potassium

What hormone regulates sodium re absorption in the distal convoluted tubule?

Sodium and potassium levels are controlled by secreting K+ and absorbing Na+. Sodium absorption by the distal tubule is mediated by the hormone aldosterone. Aldosterone increases sodium reabsorption.

Which hormone plays a central role in determining the rate of sodium reabsorption and potassium secretion?


Where is potassium reabsorbed and secreted?

The absorption of sodium affects the secretion of potassium by making it more difficult for the potassium to be permeable by blocking the areas it travels through.