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Energy from the sun travels through the vacuum of space by radiation.

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Q: When solar energy travels from the sun through a vacuum of space to the earth?
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Energy that travels through the earth?


Why can radiation travel in a vacuum?

yes as radiation travels from the sun through a vacuum to earth

How can you know that light travels through a vacuum?

light travels from sun to earth through vaccum, so its easily understood

What is Radiation actually?

Radiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through some material or through space.Since there is Vacuum( empty space) between earth and the sun, Light travels using radiation....Hope it helped! :)

Does light travels slowest through space?

As the medium through which light propagates in space is closes to a vacuum, light propagates very well in space. However, it travels at the same speed as it would on earth, as light travels at 299,792,458m/s in a vacuum, regardless of where that vacuum is located. the light travels in same speed whether it travels in space or earth.

How does the sun produce energy and how is it transferred to the earth?

The sun produces energy via nuclear fusion. Electromagnetic energy in the form of light travels through the vacuum of space to reach earth via what we call radiation.

What is the Difference between wave and tsunami?

A tsunami wave is a wave of energy that travels through water, while a seismic wave is a wave of energy that travels through earth.

What is the difference between tsunami - seismic wave?

A tsunami wave is a wave of energy that travels through water, while a seismic wave is a wave of energy that travels through earth.

What is a wave of energy that travels through earth away from an earthquake?

A seismic wave.

Does radiant energy need the presence of solid liquid or gas in order to travel?

No. If it did, it would be rather dark here. The light of the sun travels 93 million miles through a vacuum to get to earth.

How does the energy of the sun reach earth and moon and other planets?

Radiation if that's the answer you're looking for... Radiation is the transfer of heat by electromagnetic waves (or light energy) traveling through space (but not outer space, just space like in the air).

How does theral energy travel through the vacuum between the earth and the sun?

as electromagnetic radiation