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Q: When the cardiac cells are in resting and negatively charged state this is known as?
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What does it mean when an object is electrically polarized?

Before an impulse is received, a resting neuron is polarized with different charges on either side of the cell membrane. The exterior of the cell is positively charged with a larger number ofsodium ions present compared to the interior of the cell. The interior of the cell is negatively charged since it contains more potassium ions than the exterior of the cell. As a result of the differences in charges, an electro-chemical difference of about -70 millivolts occurs.IT means that electrical charges on the outside of the membrane is positive while inside is negative

What is calcium channel blockers?

A calcium channel blocker is a drug that lowers blood pressure by either preventing calcium from entering cells of the cardiac muscle, or the smooth muscle cells of the blood vessel walls.

What minerals is the major positively charged ion inside body cells?


What is a really good description describing the function of Atp in Cells?

Adenosine tri-phosphate is the primary intra-Cellular energy transfer molecule found in Cells. Starting with Adenosine mono-phosphate (Amp) we add a [highly] negatively charged phosphate moiety to obtain Adenosine di-phosphate (Adp). It takes a huge amount of energy to add the third [highly] negatively charged phosphate group to the chain to form Adenosine tri-phosphate; and - like a popcorn kernel popping - this biochemical energy is released on demand on individual basis's throughout the Cell as needed, and when the enzymatically controlled biochemical reaction takes the energy released when Atp dissociates to Adp + p and stores it in chemical bonds elsewhere. Repeat; this biochemically stored energy is translocated and used in all areas of the Cell.

Why do nonmetal atoms form anions when they react to form compounds?

This happens when nonmetals react with metals. It is easier to gain 2 or 3 electrons than to lose 5 or 6 from their valence shell anion - negatively charged

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In the absence of stimuli all cells in the body maintain a potential difference across the semipermeable membrane in which the inside of the cell is negatively charged in comparison to the outside?

resting membrane potential

Why are living cells negatively charged inside?

ATP, organic acids, and other negative molecules that cannot escape

Where histamine is found in human body?

Histamine is found in the granules of mast cells where it is bound with an acidic protein and heparin(positively charged) while histamine itself is negatively charged.

What layer is responsible for for anchoring the disk to the bony epiphysis?

resting cells anchor it.

Why are new cells sometime called resting cell in mitosis?

what part is seen in the resting cells that are missing in the cells that are dividing

What makes antimicrobial peptides to act on bacterial cells rather than human cells if peptides do not have hemolytic activities?

Bacterial membranes are richer in negatively charged phosphate groups. Antimicrobial peptides that are less hemolytic are rich in lys or arg groups that are positively charged.

What cells make up the myocardium?

Most of the myocardium is composed of cardiac myocytes.

What are the properties of cardiac cells?

Cardiac muscle is a striated, involuntary muscle. Cardiac muscle cells usually contain 1 or 2 nuclei.

Which muscle cells commonly branch?

The muscle cells which commonly branch are the cardiac muscle cells. The other muscles do not have any branched cells.

What type of cells form heart tissues?

Cardiac cells make up cardiac tissue.These cells are only found in heart.

Do smooth muscles have branched cells?

No, cardiac muscle cells are branched but skeletal muscle cells are linear and do not branch

Muscle tissue that has intercalated disks?

cardiac muscle cells are joined by intercalated disks.