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The bicuspid valve, sometimes better known as the mitral valve, allows blood to flow in only one direction (assuming it is functional) from the left atrium to the left ventricle, it prevents blood from flowing back from the left ventricle into the left atrium.

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Q: When ventricles contract the bicuspid valve prevents blood from flowing from-what?
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Ventricle force blood directly into what?

The ventricles contract and force the blood under pressure, past the semi lunar valves into the arteries. The closing of the bicuspid and tricuspid valves prevents back flow. At the same time the atria and ventricles relax and blood begins to flow back into them from the veins.

When do the bicuspid valves open and close?

The bicupid and tricuspid valves close during ventricular contraction. This prevents the backflow of blood from the ventricles to the atria.

What is the structure that prevents blood from flowing back into the atria when the ventricles contract?

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What is the function of the bicuspid valve?

The Bicuspid Valve is much like the Tricuspid Valve. It allows blood to flow through into the ventricle, but prevents blood from entering back into the atrium. The difference is it only has two flaps instead of three.

When the ventricle contract the bicuspid mitral valve prevents blood from flowing from the?

The left Mitral and right Tricuspid valves are the Atrioventricular (AV) Valves located between the atrial and and ventricular chambers on each side, prevent backflow into the atria when the ventricles are contracting.

What are the valves found between the ventricles and blood vessels?

Blood vessels do not have ventricles, but the heat does. The valves at the ventricles of the heart are the atrioventricular valves, the tricuspid and the bicuspid.

What is the function of the AV valves?

The atrioventricular valves are responsible for preventing blood from flowing back into the atria at the moment the ventricles contract. These valves are situated at the point where the ventricles and atria meet. Atrioventricular valves are two in number; the mitral valve and tricuspid valve.

Are valves located between the atria and the ventricles?

The valve between your RIGHT atrium and ventricle is called the TRICUSPID VALVUE and the valve between your LEFT atrium and ventricle is called the MITRAL or BICUSPID VALVUE.

What prevents back flow when the heart is relaxed?

Valves. There are four in the heart and the rest of the valves are dispersed throughout the body. They function as muscles around the blood vessel contract to move the blood.

What part of the conduction system prevents the ventricles from beating as fast as the atria?


Another name for walls of ventricles?

Another name for the walls of ventricles is the Purkinje fibers.

Which heart valves prevent backflow into the ventricles?

The semilunar valves prevent backflow into the ventricles. The pulmonary semilunar valve prevents backflow in the right ventricle, and the aortic semilunar valve prevents backflow of blood in the left ventricle.