

Best Answer

Baby Let Your Hair Grow Long was created in 1998.

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How long to grow hair to get this style?

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After three to six days the baby rats should start to grow hair, around 10 - 14 days the babies should start running around the cage, the mother will go after them and take them back into the nest, 14-16 days old there eyes should start to open

How long does it take for baby bunnies to grow hair?

it takes about 3-8 weeks usually but it can take less or more

How long can Africans grow their hair?

THere is no rule of how long Africans can grow their hair. It is their choice and right to choose how long they want it.

How long does it take to grow your hair after a hair cut?

Well, it depends on how short you cut it and how long you want it to grow.

If you shave your penis how long will it tak for the hair to grow back?

As long as it takes for your hair to grow back when you have a haircut.

Can you have long hair?

yes if you grow your hair and you do not cut it

Can you grow long emo hair if you have short curly hair?

sure, grow it out and straighten it.

Why does girls hair grow longer?

Actually, boys' hair can grow just as long as girls' hair. How long your hair grows only depends on how short you cut it.

How long does it take a baby hamster to get hair?

By the time they open their eyes (around 7 to 10 days) they already have a coat of short hair, it gets thicker and longer as they grow.

How can you make your hair grown long?

you can make your hair grow long by greasing it.