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Pink fairy armadillo was created in 1825.

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Q: When was Pink fairy armadillo created?
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Related questions

When was Greater fairy armadillo created?

Greater fairy armadillo was created in 1863.

How many babies will a pink fairy armadillo have?

Apparently, the pink fairy armadillo female gives birth to a single offspring each year.

What is the diet of the pink fairy armadillo?

Pink fairy armadillos primarily eat ants and termites.

How large is the largest and smallest armadillo?

The pink fairy armadillo is the smallest and the largest is the Giant Armadillo.

What is a pink fairy armadillo's habitat?

Pink fairy armadillos inhabit arid, sandy grasslands of central Argentina.

What is the world population of the pink fairy armadillo?

The Pink Fairy armadillo has had a conservation status of 'threatened' since 1970. Due to their subterranean lifestyle there is little information about the size of their population.

What animals hunt the pink fairy armadillo?

Ducks are yellow!

Where did the pink fairy armadillo come from?

The pink fairy armadillo, or pichiciego, is a desert-type animal. It lives in central Argentina in dry places such as sand dunes and scrub.

How do pink fairy armadillos move?

The southern three-banded, naked-tailed and pink fairy armadillo have 1 baby a year

Does a pink fairy armadillo have teeth?

Yes, all armadillos have teeth.

How many eyes do a pink fairy armadillo have?

Like all armadillos, they have 2 eyes.

Why is the pink fairy armadillo endangered?

yes they are . it is due to the loss of their homes i hope my answer has been usefull