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Q: When was a split in the church that separated the Roman Catholic from the Orthodox Church?
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What religion did the eastern orthodox church belong to?

The Orthodox Churches and the Catholic Church were once united. The Orthodox Churches separated from the Catholic Church over political and doctrinal differences.

Does the American Orthodox Catholic Church worship on Saturdays?

There is an Orthodox Church and a Catholic Church. There is no Catholic Orthodox Church.

Which church separated from the Roman Catholic Church?

It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. The Orthodox Churches separated from the Catholic Church in the 11th century in the Schism of the East.

Are orthodox churches Church of England churches?

No, Orthodox churches are where persons of Greek or Russian Orthodox faith worship. Like the Church of England, the Orthodox also separated from the Roman Catholic Church on matters of doctrine.

What 2 churches emerged from the schism in the Christian church?

the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church

What is the christian church of the west?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church is sometimes known as the Western Church to distinguish it from the Eastern Orthodox Church.

When was Orthodox-Catholic Church of America created?

Orthodox-Catholic Church of America was created in 1892.

Does the Roman Catholic Church recognize the Russian Orthodox Church?

The Catholic Church believes that the Russian Orthodox Church is a legitimate Church because it has seven valid sacraments. However, the Catholic Church believes that the Catholic Church alone has the fullness of truth.

Is the Coptic Orthodox Church in communion with the Roman Catholic Church?

No, it is not in communion with the Catholic Church.

When was Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church created?

St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church was created in 1906.

How did the schism of 1054 affect the Byzantine Empire?

It is when The Roman Catholic Church and The Eastern Orthodox Church had The Great Schism, in which The Roman Catholic Church broke off The Orthodox Church.

I was baptized a Roman Catholic but confirmed Orthodox and I married a Greek Orthodox can I have my nephew baptized in a Catholic Church?

Since you are confirmed Orthodox and married a Greek Orthodox, the Orthodox Church requires that any children you may have should be baptized Orthodox. Also, as an Orthodox, you are not allowed to baptize your nephew or any other person in a catholic church. From the Catholic point of view, unless your nephew is to be reared a Catholic, he may not be baptized in the Catholic Church. If he is to be reared Catholic, either by his parents or godparents, the Church will receive him. No you are GREEK orthodox u must not I reapeat not baptisma your child at a catholic church.