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the Bill of Rights was added after the war and after there was no freedom for people with the new constution. The articles of confederation were not working out for our new country.

It was added December 15, 1791.

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The Bill Of Rights is the name given to the first ten amendments to the US Constitution. They were passed by the House of Representatives in 1789 and eventually accepted as Constitutional Amendments on December 15th 1791, when Congress (about 75% of the States) ratified the legislation. Clearly anyone who feared an oppressive central government could find comfort in the Bill of Rights. Also, any foreign government or foreign people or press could see by these first ten amendments that the new American government guaranteed many rights that many European governments did not guarantee.

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The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution was adopted by the House of Representatives in 1789, and completed the process of being ratified by the States on December 15, 1791.
The Bill of Rights had to be added to get the states to agree to ratify the Constitution.

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Q: In what year was the bill of rights added to the constitution?
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What year was The Bill of Rights was added to the US Constitution?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which were added even before the Constitution itself had been adopted in 1787. In fact, had the Bill of Rights not been written, it's likely that the Constitution itself would not have been ratified.

What year was the first Amendment passed in?

In 1789, the same year the Constitution was made. The 1st amendment is in the Bill of Rights, and many states refused to even ratify the Constitution until the Bill of Rights was added.

Who was the president When was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

Im not sure, but it was not George Washington, George was president after the constitution was created, that includes the bill of rights. So who ever was still in power from the Articles of Confederation...

What year was the bill of rights added to the US?


What year was the bill of rights ratified and added to the bill?

it was ratified in 1791 and approved in 1991

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What year was the first ten amendements ratified?

The Constitution (Bill of Rights) was first ratified in 1789.

What year was the Bill of Rights created or introduced?

The Bill of Rights are the first ten rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution. They were created on September 25, 1789, but were not ratified until December 15, 1791.

How many amendment's are there to the constitution?

27 amendments.

What year was the fifth amendment adopted?

The Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution is one of the original 10 amendments that are known as the "Bill of Rights", which were included with the Constitution. The Bill of Rights were added to provide INDIVIDUAL rights to the American People, since most of the Constitution itself was occupied with detailing how the GOVERNMENT itself was set up. Many founding fathers, such as Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, fought for the addition of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution, because they felt that unless you spelled out the rights for the common man, the government would grow to be tyrannical, just like the British crown they'd just fought to overthrow.

The swift adoption of the bill of rights in the year following ratification of the constitution demonstrates the?

The inability of the united states to repay its debts

The year the constitution was written?

The United States of America's constitution was written in the year 1787.The U.S. Constitution was drafted on September 17, 1787. It became effective March 4, 1789. The first ten amendments (the "Bill of Rights") were ratified December 15, 1791.