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Q: When was the No Social Security for Nazis Act passed from the senate?
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What type of security was there in Ghettos?

Nazis guarded the gates of the ghettos.

Why did the Nazis target the homeless?

they would have fallen into the class of 'anti-social'.

What was the Nazis ideology?

A mix of Nationalism, Socialism and Social-Darwinism + the idea of a superior caucasian race.

Hitler was chairman of?

Hitler was the Chairman of the 'Nationalsozialist Arbeiterpartei' (National Social German Workers party) or Nazis

Why did the Nazis listen to hitlwer?

The propaganda department and the department for state security were very careful to track and react to the mood of the nation. They tried to tell the people what they wanted to hear and in doing this manipulate the people into supporting the Nazis.

How did the Nazis defined the Jews as different and inferior?

How- they passed laws stating it. They classified Jews as a race, therefore they were genetically different and inferior.

The Nazis blamed most of Germany's pre-World War 2 social and economic problems on Jews and the?


Why did the Nuremberg Trials take place in Nuremberg?

It was rather a ironic and symbolic place to hold the trials. From 1927-1938, the Nazis held major rallies there. It was there where the Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws, outlawing the Jews doing really anything.

Main opposition party to the Nazis?

Until March 1933 the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Communists (KPD). There were banned in March 1933, and in May 1933 the Nazis became the sole political party in Germany. Some of the parties in the political centre were also opposed but co-operated with the Nazis when things got really difficult ...

How did the Nazis behave?

After 23 March 1933 most laws were simply made by decree: that is, Hitler simply signed an order. Sometimes, for propaganda purposes, 'major' laws were passed by the Reichstag. However, as all parties other than the Nazis were banned in May 1933, Germany was a one-party state. They didn't even bother to take a vote in the Reichstag after that: laws were passed 'by acclamation': wild cheering was taken to mean the law was passed.

What were Hitler followers called?

They were called Nazis.

Were the Soviets racist like the Nazis?

No. The Soviet ideology was not based on the superiority of a given race or ethnicity. The oppression was based on political views and social class.