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The Black Death arrived in Europe by sea in October 1347 when 12 Genoese trading ships docked at the Sicilian port of Messina after a long journey through the Black Sea.

The people who gathered on the docks to greet the ships were met with a horrifying surprise: Most of the sailors aboard the ships were dead, and those who were still alive were gravely ill. They were overcome with fever, unable to keep food down and delirious from pain. Strangest of all, they were covered in mysterious black boils that oozed blood and pus and gave their illness its name: the "Black Death." The Sicilian authorities hastily ordered the fleet of "death ships" out of the harbor, but it was too late: Over the next five years, the mysterious Black Death would kill more than 20 million people in Europe - almost one-third of the continent's population.

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The Black Death peaked between 1348 and 1350.

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in the Middle Ages.

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Q: When was the black plauge?
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Where is the black plauge?

The black plauge was from Europe and spread all the way to cover half of Asia it went that far. But now there is no Black Plauge it ended in about the 15 century. I don't know exacly where the Black Plauge started though.

When did the black plauge start and end?


When did the black plauge take place?

1348 - 1350

How do people now treat the black plague now?

the black plauge is dead

How did petarch die?

petarch died from the black plauge aka black death

What did the people in the middle ages call the black death?

the plauge!

What serious illnesses were there in the 1700's?

the black plauge and the smallpox

What was the course of the black death?

The main corse of the black plauge which started in the early 1300's was the bubonic plauge where the rats were the first victims , Infact the rats were actually carring the fleas that were tiny parasites feeding off of the rat then being transmitted to humans, causing extreme pain for the victim. The black plauge was know in 3 ways, The bubonic plauge, The Pnemonic plague and the Sepifaemic plague and they all infected and killed people in a week or under, =D

When did the black plauge hit Europe?

It first arose in 1348 and ended in 1350

In which city did the citizens lock themselves in so the black plauge didn't get out?


Where was the black plauge?

Europe - well not just Europe, it spead through out Asia aswell.

How did the black plauge get its name?

The Black Plague (also called the Black Death) got its name because of the black spots the disease produced on the skin of its victims.