

When was the bull run in the civil war?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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The Battle of Bull Run was the first battle of the Civil War, and there was a second Battle of Bull Run that took place in 1862 or 1863, I forget because I studied it over a year ago.

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Q: When was the bull run in the civil war?
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What was the bull run battle about?

During the Civil War the battle of bull run was the second battle in the war.

Did the union states win the bull run war?

They won the Civil War but lost the Battle of Bull Run.

Was the battle at bull run during the civil war?

Yes, both Battles of Bull Run were.

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The Battle of Bull Run & Chickamauga

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Bull Run.

What did the Battle of Bull Run do?

sparked the beginning of the Civil War

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American Civil war

Where was the Battle of Bull Run in the American Civil War?

Answer Manasas, VA The other name for The Battle of Bull Run was Manasas.

Who won the battles of bull run in the civil war?

There were two US Civil War battles at Bull Run. The Confederates won both. They were called the First Battle of Bull Run and the Second Battle of Bull Run. Both battles were in the same vicinity each other. These Union losses were embarrassing for the Union.

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Civil War