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Q: When was the first beer drunk in England?
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Does beer foam get you more drunk?

no the beer foam does not get u drunk

How you get drunk on beer?

You drink it until you are drunk.

What does ET drunk on when Elliott leaves him at home alone?

He gets drunk on beer he takes from the fridge when he is home alone. He gets drunk on COORS beer!!

What does ET drunk when Elliott leaves him at home alone?

He gets drunk on beer he takes from the fridge when he is home alone. He gets drunk on COORS beer!!

How do you get more drunk off of beer?

drink more beer...

What does beer have that gets you drunk?


What does E.T. get drunk on?


Upon landing on Cape Cod the Pilgrims found water and refreshed themselves being the first New England water they drunk of and was now in their great thirst as pleasant unto them as wine or beer?

Upon landing on Cape Cod, the Pilgrims "found water and refreshed themselves, being the first New England water they drunk of, and was now in their great thirst as pleasant unto them as wine or beer had been in foretimes." From this description, what do you take to have been especially virtuous or delicious about the water? Try to account for Bradford's high praise for the water.

How much exercise do you need to burn off calories from beer?

Well it depends on how much you drunk but if you drunk it you should run VERY FAR or you shouldn't have DRUNK IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, alchohol KILLS dude.

What does ET get drunk on when Elliott leaves him at home alone?

what does E.T. get drunk on when elliott leaves him at home alone?

What is the alcohol content for beer?

enough to get you drunk

How does beer effect your body?

it makes YOU drunk