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Q: When was the first detonation of a nuclear bomb?
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When was the detonation of the first nuclear bomb?


What is the name of the first nuclear bomb?

trinity was the code of the detonation of the nuclear deviceit was the first nuclear bomb in the world

When did us scientists test the atomic bomb?

The first detonation of a nuclear device was the Trinity Detonation on July 16, 1945 35 miles southeast of Socorro, New Mexico

Nuclear bomb explosion detonation point?

Shock and Awe

How far can a nuclear bomb travel?

A gravity dropped nuclear bomb could fall several tens of thousands of feet from bomber to detonation. A ballistic missile's warhead could travel tens of thousands of miles from launch site to detonation.

the impact of the nuclear bomb?

Blasts, thermal radiation, and prompt ionizing radiation causing significant destruction within seconds or minutes of a nuclear detonation.

What takes up the largest percent of energy released in a nuclear detonation?

As with any bomb the primary effect is blast.

Where was the first atom bomb dropped?

The first nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan on 6 August 1945. this was the gun-type weapon codenamed Little Boy. Three days later, 9 August 1945, the third nuclear detonation in history occurred over Nagasaki, Japan, with the dropping of the implosion type device, Fat Man. The first nuclear detonation in history occurred at the Trinity test site outside Alamogordo, New Mexico on 16 July 1945.

What was the codename for the very first test detonation of a nuclear weapon?

The first hydrogen bomb tested by the US was codenamed "Mike" and tested in the Marshall Islands.

Where does the energy go after a nuclear bomb goes off?

After a nuclear bomb goes off, the energy goes into everything around the place of detonation in a variety of different forms (e.g. blast wave, flying debris, light, nuclear radiation, sound, winds).

How do you use detonation in a sentence?

The detonation of the bomb seemed fast approaching and inevitable.

How fast is a Nuclear Bomb shockwave?

roughly 50,000 meters per second at the moment of detonation. it quickly slows to subsonic speeds.