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May 9 , 1754 : The "Join , or Die" political cartoon was created by Benjamin Franklin and published in the Pennsylvania Gazette .

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Q: When was the join or die snake cartoon drawn?
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Benjamin Franklin's famous join or die political cartoon was drawn?

It's meaning basically means that the colonies have to join together to defeat the French and the Natives. If they don't, they will be killed by them. The reason why it is a snake is because if the colonies come together, they can be deadly.

Why are there only 8 sections in the Join or Die snake drawn by Franklin?


What animal represented the colonies in join or die cartoon?

A segmented snake ~ see related link below .

What does NE represent on the join or die cartoon?

NE is the snake's head and represents New England.

What did the political cartoon represent?

The first political cartoon was created by Ben Franklin. It depicted a snake that read 'Join or Die' with colony names representing different parts of the snake.

Why did Benjamin Franklin use a snake instead of another animal in the join or die cartoon?

The snake would be familiar e.g."Dont Tread On Me."

Who drew a snake cartoon which represented unity and independence?

Benjamin Franklin, in his"Join, or Die" cartoon, which symbolized the need for the colonies of America to stick together to fight against the British Empire.

Who created join or die?

The "Join , or Die" cartoon was a creation of Benjamin Franklin .

What was the theme of Franklins cartoon Join or Die?

the theme of join or die was that is you dont join the constitution you would die.

Which cartoon Benjamin Franklin created and the message of that cartoon?

the american colonies are like a dangerous snake

What do the segments of the snake represent?

In cartoons drawn around the time of the American Revolution, a snake divided into 13 parts represented the 13 American colonies, with the exhortation to "Join or Die!" or "Unite or Die!" urging the colonists to unify.

Who created the cartoon Join or Die?

"Join, or Die" is a well-known political cartoon, created by Benjamin Franklin and first published in his Pennsylvania Gazette on May 9, 1754. The cartoon was made to show the importance of colonial unity.