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Kipling wrote "If" in 1895. It was first pulished in a collection of short stories in 1910

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Q: When was the poem If written by Kipling?
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It was written by Rudyard Kipling.

What tense is used in the poem if by Rudyard Kipling?

The poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling is written in the present tense. This helps to create a sense of immediacy and makes the advice in the poem feel more applicable to the reader's current situation.

What is the meter of the poem If by Rudyard Kipling?

The poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling is written in iambic pentameter, which means each line contains five pairs of syllables with the stress falling on the second syllable. This gives the poem a steady and rhythmic flow.

Why are words triumph and disaster written as it is in if poem?

The words "triumph" and "disaster" are written as "triumph" and "disaster" in the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling to emphasize the contrast between the two outcomes. By using a different variation of formatting, Kipling is able to visually represent the conflicting nature of these two situations in the poem.

What is a comparison of another didactic poem based on If by Rudyard Kipling?

A didactic poem gives instruction and is written in dactylic hexameter. A comparison of another didactic poem to Rudyard Kipling's Ifmight include what is being taught and other aspects of the two poems.

Is If by Rudyard Kipling a lyric or narrative poem?

"If" by Rudyard Kipling is a didactic or instructive poem written in the form of advice and guidelines for living a successful and meaningful life. It is often categorized as a reflective or philosophical poem rather than a strict narrative or lyrical form.

Who wrote I learned about women from her?

I Never Learned Their Names" was written by Anna Akhmatova.

Is the poem 'If' by Rudyard Kipling a ballad?


What is the name of the Kipling poem used in Private Files of J Edgar Hoover?

Hoover was inordinately fond of the poem (If) by Kipling, if that is what you mean.

Who is being address in the poem IF by Rudyard Kipling?

The poem is a father speaking to his son.

Whop wrote the poem If?

Rudyard Kipling

How does Joseph chamberlains differ from Rudyard's Kipling's poem?

chamberlain's speech is addressed to a british audience, whereas kipling's poem is addressed to an american audience