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Q: When will a victim of abuse leave?
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If your an emotional abuser what causes them to leave?

the victim or the abuser? emotional abuse cuts deeper than physical abuse. it has to do with manipulation. though emotional abuse and physical abuse ususally go hand in hand.

Why did Tina Turner's mother leave her with her Grandmother?

Her mother left cause she could not take care of her cause she was a victim of domestic abuse

Why is physical abuse the only thing that can force an abuser into counseling when many people consider emotional abuse just as bad?

You can't take pictures of the effects of verbal abuse. Testimony of friends and therapists is not as strong a form of evidence since they were probably not present for the worst of the situation. Forcing any kind of abuser into counseling rarely works. It is sort of like the question, "how many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb?" and the answer is, "One, but he has to really want to." Physical abuse is much more dangerous (can leave broken bones, black eyes, split lip and bruising as evidence) and, physical abuse can also lead to murder. If a woman reports her physical abuse the police will have a female officer take photos of the marks on the victim's body as evidence. They will also take hospital reports of the victim being treated for physical abuse into a court of law. Mental abuse is in the control of most victims. The mental abuser often plays mind games and is miserable, but doesn't attack his victim physically. The victim does have the chance to leave their mental abuser and file for divorce. In many cases the lawyer can prove mental abuse. In fact, for years reasons for a divorce was "mental anquish" (the same thing as Mental Abuse.) I agree that Mental Abuse can be as damaging as physical abuse, but, it doesn't leave marks one can see like physical abuse does. Still, the victim has more freedom than a victim that is physically abused to leave the situation or to file for divorce, leaving the rest up to the lawyer. Marcy

What types of abuse can one be prosecuted for other than physical abuse or uttering threats?

Urinating on the victim, defecating on the victim, and sticking things in the victim's pooper unexpectedly

What are the signs of teen abuse?

Signs of teen abuse can vary from victim to victim. Some signs of teen abuse are poor school performance, trouble concentrating and sleeping, poor eating and depression.

Do abusive men constantly break up with their girlfriends to gain control?

Yes some can, but they will never truly leave their "victim" alone. It's a form of mental abuse. The victim usually finds it very difficult to be on their own or, they are terrified their abuser will actually come back into their life. Abusers love to "put down" their victim and make them hurt. Abusers can have several women in their lives (he may not abuse all of them), but, because of their abusive nature they know they can always come back into the victim's life and they do! Only the person being abused can stop this cycle of abuse.

Why do some of the answers to abuse questions seem to further blame the victim rather than making the abuser 100 accountable for his actions?

Because once the behavior is identified, the victim can leave and remove herself from the situation, but those who continue are now taking part in their own abuse. Most advice regarding abusers tell the victim to get away from the situation, but most of them don't. Yes, the abuser causes the problem and is at fault, but the victim is an enabler who allows it to continue. If someone is being abused, she should leave, although many people consider that to be blaming the victim. Unfortunately, it's just a realistic approach to dealing with the problem.

How do you respond when your abusive partner calls you an abuser after threatening to leave?

I confronted my abuser and said that I need a healthy relationship and I won't continue to be in an abusive one. I said that I would leave if abuse continued. She admitted to verbal abuse and being controlling, but she also said that "it is not as bad as I say it is." She also says that I am an emotional abuser because I threatened to leave, and says that I am controlling her because I want her to change. Now she is the "victim" and I am the "abuser" she says. What do I do? abusers often assume the mantle of victimhood and martyrhood. Acting the eternal victim allows them to garner symapthy and support, abuse their victims by proxy, and still feel morally superior. There are two ways to cope with an abuser - to submit to him or to confront him. What prompted you to threaten him/her to leave the relationship? Abuse. You are a victim twice. One, the abuse you have self-destructively and willingly tolerated. Two, the guilt that your partner is trying to inflict upon you for protecting yourself from any further deterioration. Your partner is just trying to manipulate you further into staying. You wanted to leave because she abused you- so she decided to play the role of the victim to lay the guilt on you and get you to stay. Abusers love to play the role of the victim, and try to make you feel bad for trying to make yourself feel good.

Why do abuse books suggest that the victim get counseling to deal with the abuse when it is obvious that the victim will never be truly happy until the abuser is out of their life?

Most books tell you to leave the abuser and then get the counseling. That's what Abused Women's Centers are for. They not only give the victim a safe place to stay, but help them get on their feet by going to court (if need be re their abuser) fight for custody of their children, and help them find a job. In payment for this they expect the victim to do their part by learning about the Cycle of Abuse and also taking their programs so the victim will not go back to her abuser or, will not choose another abusive mate. These groups are wonderful because it puts the victim in a group of other abused women and they don't feel so alone in their plight. One can read all the books they want, but I call it "arm chair psychiatry" and the victim has to be serious enough to really want to get out of the relationship and thus, "The Abused Women's Centers." Marcy Sometimes abuse has left the victim's self-esteem in such a bad state that the victim has no courage or energy left anymore to leave or to make any other important decisions. As abuse is all about control, it's important that the victim starts to feel in control and empowered. Leaving the abuser must be her decision, no-one else's. For many victims, leaving also means financial hardship, divorce and custody proceedings etc. It is not easy to leave, and the victim will certainly need all her courage to end the cycle.

How do you help a victim of emotional and mental abuse when the victim continues to endure the abuse?

You must try with all your heart to get this person professional help, the sooner the better, one thing will lead to another until the abuse becomes physical AND IT WILL EVENTUALLY!!!

Abuse and harm effects on individuals?

Abuse definitely has a strong effect on the victim. The pain that the individual receives from the abuser, whether physical or mental, has a negative influence on the way the victim lives his or her life. With physical abuse, the physical abilities of the victim may be impaired for a temporary or permanent time span. With mental abuse, the victim may suffer from depression because of the abuse he or she has been forced to deal with. Also, the victim may have low self esteem because the individual believes that he or she is being abused because of his or her worthlessness.

How does it hurt a victim?

Abuse hurt a victim in many ways. It makes them have low self-esteem and cause them to live a life of fear. Abuse can also continue through an abused person by them abusing other people as they were abused. Thus the cycle of abuse continues.