

When would you use Linux?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: When would you use Linux?
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Who would be most ikely to use Linux operating system?

everyone can use linux

What command prompt would you use in Linux to see filesystems in use?


Why would you use Linux?

because i said so homie

Why some company's choose not to use Linux?

The primary software that they use is in no way compatible with Linux. They do not want to spend any money on retraining/ rehiring IT. They have a deal going with manufacturers and Microsoft. There are many other reasons why a company would opt not to use linux as well as many why they would.

What kind of LAN would you use for Linux?

You could use any kind supported by the Linux kernel, though a TCP/IP network over Ethernet or wireless would probably be best.

What is the first step to using Linux lvm?

The first step to using a Linux LVM would be to install the program onto the Linux computer. The second step would be to activate the program and use the program for its purpose.

Does Linux use the kernel of Unix?

No, it is unix-based but Linux is a kernel not an operating system.Ubuntu,Linux Mint,Debian,and puppy Linux,ect. are OS's that use the Linux kernel.

What utility would you use on a Linux Operating system to find your IP address?

type on a Linux terminal: ifconfig Note: it is ipconfig in Windows.

What percentage of African Americans use Linux instead of Windows?

It would be fair to say that the percentage of African Americans that use linux is extremely low as is the level of educational attainment by African Americans.

Why might a company not want to use Linux on ts desktop computers?

If that company was Apple or Microsoft, using Linux instead would be a bit bad for business.

Where you can find a Linux Distribution?

Linux is not an operating system by itself. Just like you cannot install Windows you have to install Windows XP or Windows Vista. You can use the website in related links to find a list of active Linux Distributions. If I could recommend one I would recommend Linux Mint because it is easy to use.

What do you have to do to use jack the ripper assword cracker as you have downloaded it and you have got it in winrar but what do you do not please help?

I would say use linux to run jack the ripper. if you run "Backtrack linux" then it's already installed, but if you are running Ubuntu or another linux then do a "sudo apt-get jack" to install it.