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These 5 exercises uses nearly all your muscle groups. Compound exercises uses more than one muscles; chest press,row, pull down, shoulder press, leg press.

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Q: When you are working out in the gym is it necessary to find an exercise that uses each part of each muscle?
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Which muscles do you use in each exercise?

The each exercise is wonderful for targeting the love muscle.

Is Lifting weights is a type of isometric exercise?

Weightlifting is not a form of isometric exercise. Isometrics use the body's own strength as its resistance, and does not employ movement. An example is tensing your arm (biceps and triceps) so that each muscle group is working against the other.

What should you exercise on dayley?

Good to exercise daily but if you do resistence training give each muscle group 48 hours before using it again.

Why do not over exercise?

Over exercise will harm your muscles. Few of the muscle fibers may die, each time you exercise. You may loose lot of energy. Proteins may be used to give you energy. So you may be left with fewer proteins for muscle building.

What is a not one of the rules of strength training?

Always do even repetitions of each exercise.

What is the healthiest thing to do each day?

The healthiest thing to do each day it to exercise and eat right. You need lots of exercise to keep your body working and eating right helps you do that to.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of isotonic workouts?

Advantages of isotonic training:Relatively inexpensiveBroad range of exercisesAbility to exercise all major muscle groupsDisadvantages:Uneven force throughout each exercise.Exercises may not fully strengthen each muscle group.

Do electric muscle stimulator's really work?

The working principle of Electronic Muscle Stimulation is using a small amount of electricity administered through the skin and into the muscle causes muscles to contract. This is the same process that your body goes through when you are working out- each time your muscles contract, they grow a little bit stronger. But this is only a part of the whole process, to build a muscle, you need to have a balanced diet as well.

Would individuals who carry out regular aerobic exercise suffer less muscle discomfort during intense exercise than other individuals?

Well it all depends also. They would suffer less muscle discomfort because aerobic exercise is all about flexibility, and taking your time. Intense exercise requires more muscle movement depending on the person who is exercising also since each person has different modes. hope that helps :)

Is cardiac muscle a striated muscle?

Cardiac muscle is striated because the only cardiac muscle in your body is your heart and your heart never stops working unless you die.

The heart is the hardest working muscle in the body it contains four chambers which are connected to each other by a?

it is connected by an aorta

How many calories should you consume each day if you are burning 800 through exercise?

Around 3000 to maintain bodyweight and muscle mass.