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Good question. it is because then the heat affects it and then it starts to freeze.

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Q: When you did does temperature affect the strength of a magnet for your science projectmy results were first room temperature then freezing then hot why?
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Any temperature but for best results in a hot spot or freezing spot. Make sure you don't freeze the clay, burn it or crack it. Certain clays have to be at certain temperatures. All clay s different.

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Tensile strength testing is used to determine the outcome/ behaviour of certain materials when an axial stretching load is applied. One can get tensile strength results from: 'Chatillon', 'ATSM', 'Science Partner (SP)'.

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You could investigate different temperatures.Try freezing the candle over night.Measure the temperature of the freezing compartment.Get the mass of the candle.Burn the candle for 2 minutesGet the difference in mass.Repeat the experiment for candles kept in the refrigerator, at room temperature and one that has been soaked in water at around 40 oC (put the candle in a plastic bag sot the wick does not get wet. That would add and extra variable.)You would have results for 4 temperatures. You should be able to draw a mass vs temperature graph with temperature on the horizontal axis. You could see if there was a trend. Happy experimenting!

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All ice -- everywhere on earth -- results from precipitation combined with freezing temperatures.

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The gas expands.

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