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Usually, the judge (and the paperwork) will ask if the wife would like to keep her last name or have her maiden named restored.

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Q: When you get a divorce do both people in the divorce still have the same last name?
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I you don't want to still be married - which you HAVE been for the last ten years - then YES you need to get a divorce.

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No you can not . both the couple must sign the papers to make the case proceed.

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The largest divorce settlement in the last five years, was the divorce of Rupert and Anna Murdoch. This divorce amounted in a settlement of about $1.7 million.

Do people with the same last name but are from other family still have a least one drop of the same blood in them?

No, not necessairly. Last names used to be based on job or origin. So 2 people might both have 'Smith' as last name yet they don't have to be related. Their ancestors could simply both be smiths.

How simple is getting a divorce?

You have to file papers and then go through the court system til they finalize the divorce which in turn takes several months. If both parties are willing and sane, getting a divorce is non-problematic. Children can complicate matters, forcing a 6month wait before finalizing. If both sides are not cooperative getting a divorce may be harsh and last for years from guerilla attacks.

Can I change my last name before my divorce is final in Nigeria?

No you cannot change your last name before the divorce is finalized even in Nigeria.

Did Madonna keep guy's last name after divorce?

Madonna does not use her surname. She was never known as "Madonna Ritchie", but she was still known as simply "Madonna".

Can Jewish people divorce?

Yes. But it is the last resort. Women have a lot of hassle to get divorced because they have to receive a piece of paper from the man.

What is the definition of Rogers?

Rogers is a name that is given to a male. Rogers is a very common last name given to both male and female, but there are still people who have it as a first name.

Wife who has Power of Attorney over her husband for the last several years They just recently divorce Is this Power of Attorny still valid?

There was probably a clause in the divorce decree that revoked it. And he should certainly revoke it if he hasn't already done so.

If a husband and wife get a divorce can she legally change the childrens last names to her maiden name and the children still draw the fathers social security disability?

It probably depends on the custody of the parents but Im oretty sure you would need both parents to agree to the name change.