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No. Blood clots in urine signify something more serious than a mere infection. See your doctor about it, and s/he'll figure out what exactly is going on.

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Q: When you have been diagnosed with a urinary tract infection can you pass blood clots in urine?
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Are blood clots a sign of infection?

No. However, infections can lead to blood clots, in some cases.

What infection causes black blood clots during menstration?

No, infection. The black blood clots are just old blood that didn't shed the month before.

What are the main disadvantage of artificial heart?

Blood clots, bleeding, infection

What are the particles in urine during a bladder infection?

It could be blood clots.

What are some risks with coronary stenting?

may include infection, damage to the heart or blood vessels, and blood clots. Anticlotting medication is given after stent placement to prevent the risk of blood clots.

What are complications of arthroscopic surgery?

These include infection and inflammation, blood vessel clots, damage to blood vessels or nerves, and instrument breakage

Could someone died from a tattoo?

Yes it is possible. There are several stories out there about infection getting in the blood causing hepatitis, blood clots, and/or a staph infection. All of which can kill if untreated and taken care of.

What risks are associated with joint replacement surgery?

the development of blood clots that may come loose and block the arteries, excessive loss of blood, and infection

Does black blood clots instead of blood for your period mean your pregnant and if it smells really really bad?

Black blood clots do not relate to whether or not you are pregnant. You should see a doctor if the clots are bad. In general, if you are on your period/ losing blood, you are not pregnant. The smell and color mean you may have an infection It may also be an viral STI (as opposed to just bacterial).

Blood clots during your period?

blood clots doing my period

Why blood clots do not form in a blood donation?

They do not form in a blood donation because blood clots are out of our anotomy

Why are you having watery blood with blood clots?

Watery blood with blood clots can be a sign of miscarriage. You can also have an unusual menstrual cycle. If you have watery blood with blood clots you need to go to a doctor.