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obviously no. they hate you and your family

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Q: When you love some one and they don't love you back does that mean there in love with you?
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You love to be in love?

Some people love to be in love while others are in love but are still hurt deep inside because of many reasons like the person dont feel the same back?

How do you tell someone that you love them and get them back when they dont want you?

You don't. Give it some time. Time heals all wounds.

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Why some siblings don't love each other after they get partner?

I guess they drift apart cause they have their own lives doesnt mean they dont love each other just that they have someone to love them unconditionally

What is bad things in love?

your parents dont be happy with ur desision.(some parent do some dont )

Why dont guys just flat out tell you they love you not say I 3 you?

Because some guys are scared that if they say I love you, that the person they said I love you to won't say it back... Or to defend there manly man-ness. Or they just don't love you.

What does mean when it says you can't make some one love you?

IT means that while you may be desperately in love with someone, if they do not love you back there is nothing you can do about it and you must accept that you can never have them and move on.

If some one has a tingle feeling bout someone then 2 months later i comes out burn through there heart and veins and falls in love and dont know why and say i fell in love what is or crush?

i would say that is definatley love you really feel something for that person and sometimes its hard to understand but if you really love someone dont hold back what you feel

You love some body what do you do?

depends on if they love you back

Can love be unethical?

yes love is unethical cos you chose to love some one cos of some thing and if some thing loves you and you dont love it you are making pain

How do you know if some is not playing games and really love and care for you?

if you have to ask then they probably dont love not trying to be mean or sarcastic, but if someone loves you then you usually know it without having to wonder

Can you love some one that dont feel the same?
