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Q: When you point your web browser to a CGI script you receive an Internal Server Error what is least likely to be the cause of the problem?
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What should be documented after troubleshooting an internal web server crash?

locate the problem- APEX

What is the difference between client and server on the data communication network?

A server will receive connections from a client, and the client will usually receive some service from the server. When you're browsing web sites online, those web sites are hosted on servers. Your web browser acts as a client to connect to the server and interact with it.

How does the web browser communicate with the web server?

they communicate by contacting each other and asking for information to be sent to the browser from the server. the server holds the information they communicate by contacting each other and asking for information to be sent to the browser from the server. the server holds the information

What happens to your machine when you receive or open an email?

When you click or tap the "Send" button inside a web browser or e-mail client the program/browser/application connects to a mail server on the internet.A mail server (AKA: E-mail Server) is a server that receives emails from a clients computer and delivers them over the internet, or a network, to other mail servers or a clients computer.The server will most likely be a SMTP or POP3server.

Is HTML runs on the server and the browser?

HTML code is displayed in a browser. It does not run on anything; it only includes directions to the browser on how to format content. The server just stores the file for the browser to load and interpret.

Is Google Chrome a private server?

Chrome is a web browser, not a server.

How do you overcome a 500 Internal Server Error JQuery in dropdown?

500 (Internal Server Error) errors are not produced by jQuery, which is on client-side

If internet is a client server network?

For the internet; your web browser is the client and the web server is the server.

How do you fix an Internal Server Error in Windows 7?

You are probably seeing this in internet explorer or another web browser. This error has nothing to do with your computer. It is just the server the website you are trying to load. You should contact the site administrator to fix this

What does The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request in java?

It means that, there was some problem in the Web server and it prevented it from satisfying the request it received. Usually it happens when the server crashes or when there is a database issue etc.

What is a task that runs on a server computer?


What is response in web applications?

Response is the HTTP stream sent from the Web server to the browser. Request is the HTTP stream sent from the browser to the Web server.